Best Practices for Shooting a Video Introduction for Meta

Once you’ve nailed your profile photo and listed all of your snazzy credentials, you now have the option to wow potential clients even more with a video introduction.

There isn’t a secret formula you need to create a video that will entice students to reach out, but there are some things you should keep in mind to make those 30 seconds count. So, we’ve rounded up five of them for you to help magnify your profile on Meta.

Your Equipment Should Be Up To Par

If you already have quality equipment, you’re ahead of the curve here. If not, it’s time to invest in a web camera, microphone or headphones to ensure that the message you’re conveying comes off professionally and clearly. Check out our tech tools post for tips on equipment use.

Your Set-up Should Be Crisp

That goes for your background as well as your attire. Keep it classic, the less busy your background and attire is the better. And by busy we mean, bright colors, patterns or any clutter that can be distracting to those watching. Also, remember that you should either keep your frame shoulders up or waist up.

You Should Write Out a Script

Having and rehearsing a script will allow you to knock out your introduction video without any hiccups. You’ll also come off as warm and authoritative instead of cold and unsure. Additionally, you can jot down some bulleted notes and stick them next to the web camera. This will allow you to quickly glance over to make sure you’re hitting your points and it won’t look as obvious as holding note cards.

You Should Look at the Eye of the Camera

Avoid staring at the screen when recording your video using a web camera. On the students’ end, it will appear that you’re looking down and that will defeat the objective of making a genuine connection. It is best to stare at the camera, this way it appears that you’re looking directly at the person watching the video.

You Should Keep Your Messaging Simple


  • Concisely describing your expertise and what kinds of clients you’d like to work with.
  • Steering clear of official diagnosis terms. You need to present the information in a digestible and sincere way to students who may be seeking mental health services for the first time.
  • Speaking to them and not at them. Instead of focusing on how you will approach their ailments, greet them with encouraging statements to make them feel like they aren’t alone.
  • Finish up by “inviting” not “telling” them to connect with you to discuss their concerns further. Your call-to-action should come off as genuine as you would be in a session.

Haven’t created a profile with Meta yet? Join our directory of licensed therapist today.

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