Your Resource for Mental Health Early Action On Campus Act

Students who come from low-income households are more likely to have mental health conditions.

1 in 4 college students are treated for or diagnosed with a mental health condition.

75% of all mental health conditions start by age 24, with higher rates of diagnosed disorders in college-age students.

Partner with META to Save Costs and Comply with New Mental Health Law for Illinois Colleges

The “Mental Health Early Action on Campus Act” requires 2- and 4-year public institutions to:


Comply with the law before July 1, 2020


Meet a ratio of 1 provider for every 1,250 students


Implement student mental health awareness intiatives


Distribute stigma-reducing strategy messaging

Watch the On Demand Webinar to Learn More

How META Meets Requirements of the New Law:

META monitors and reports on student engagement with mental health resources

IL HB2152 requires mental health programs be monitored for effectiveness and quality 

META delivers campaigns to raise mental health awareness on college campuses

IL HB2152 requires institutions to develop and implement an annual student orientation session aimed at raising awareness about mental health conditions.

META connects college students to a network of mental health providers

IL HB2152 requires that institutions form strategic partnerships with mental health service providers to improve overall campus mental wellness

How META Fits the Bill

HB-2152 Sections META
25.1 – raise awareness of mental health conditions ☑︎
25.3 – features a webpage with information dedicated to mental health resources ☑︎
25.4 –distribute messages related to available mental health resources and encourage help ☑︎
25.5 – provide connections to mental health resources ☑︎
25.6 – information regarding screenings and resources during times of high academic stress ☑︎
40.a – partner with mental health service providers ☑︎
40.b – maintain a ratio of 1 mental health provider for every 1,250 students ☑︎
50.1 – include monitoring and measuring reports of student engagement ☑︎
50.3 – include monitoring and measuring reports of provider network ☑︎

Partner with META today and comply before the July 2020 deadline

META is an Illinois-based company offering a comprehensive telehealth therapy solution for college campuses. This includes launching on-site and digital mental health awareness campaigns and working with college faculty to meet the requirements outlined in this bill.

Learn More About META