This app is not for emergency purposes - if you are in a crisis, call 911 immediately.

Glad you had a good week.

Keep the happy times going.

Think of a counselor like a personal trainer for your emotions. They can help you find ways to sustain your good feelings and give you skills to cope with whatever you have to deal with down the line.

Download META Today!

What students have to say about META

“Sometimes I can’t always see my therapist face-to-face due to busy or conflicting schedules and META allows me quick, easy access to my therapist when I need it the most! I don’t know what I did before downloading the META app.”

– Katie, 22

“I think META is helpful because it allows me to connect to therapists through my phone and I don’t need to be nervous about making an appointment. It has made me feel more comfortable knowing I have access directly from my phone.”

– Terry, 24

“I love the idea of having someone to talk to at all times because not everyone can fit therapy into their schedule. It also is a way for people who might be scared of therapy to get used to how it works and feel more comfortable in their own home.”

– Nicolette, 19

Schools with META

