Welcome, Indiana Health Centers
Use the print and digital collateral below to build awareness of META.

Digital and Printed Collateral
Employee User Intro Page
Email your employees this link to introduce META
Employee Orientation Email
Email to send to employees announcing META’s launch
Employee Orientation Flyer
Print or digital flyers explaining META to post or hand out
Email Engagement Campaign
We can send these emails out on your behalf if you prefer. META can also send engagement campaigns throughout the year.
Email #1
1st email — “Access, availability, privacy”
Email #2
2nd email — “Got stress? Get META!”
Email #3
3rd email — “Get started”
Additional Collateral
Use the materials below to promote META to your employees.
Digital Bulletin Boards
For print or digital display, promoting mental health awareness and the META app.
Portal Graphics
Images to accompany posts to social media accounts or on company portals. Please use meta.app/users for download links
Video to walk through how to use META.
Newsletter Insert
Page to include in company newsletter
Quick Start Guide
1-page instructions for how to get started with META
Card Handouts
Printed cards with information on how to download META.