
Welcome, SULC!

Use the print and digital collateral below to build awareness of META.


Digital and Printed Collateral

Individual Item Downloads

Student Orientation Email

Orientation email to send to new students about META

Email #1

Introduction to META with an overview of its features.

Email #2

Explanation of META’s counseling process and costs.

Email #3

Steps on how to search for a provider on META.

Summer Email #1

Remind students that META is available all year

Summer Email #2

2nd Email about META’s year-round availability

SMS Preview

SMS Campaign

Five text messages to send to students about downloading META

SMS Preview

Social Media Graphics

Images for social posts pushing students to meta.app/students

META Logos

META logos for use in new creative.


For print or digital display. Promotes mental health awareness and the META app.

Card Handouts

Printed cards with information on how to download META.

High-Def Ads

High definition digital ads for campus monitors.


Printed flyers explaining META to post or hand out to students.


Short informational handouts to have in counseling centers.

Bookmarks & Table Tents

Printed collateral to leave in common areas.

Full Kit Download